Panthers 2008 Volleyball Team

Panthers 2008 Volleyball Team
2008 Western Region 1st Place Team

Sep 2, 2008

Greensboro Panthers vs Asheville Trailblazers

Greensboro Panthers showed heart during the first conference loss of the season. As the team seemed to be getting down the Panthers from the bench Taylor, Carey Anna, Meridith, and Anna cheered their team on to score five points. Both matches proved that the Greensboro Panthers when playing together as a team can pull off some incredible plays with the support and encouragement of the entire team. During the second match the team came alive at the end when Kelly, Taylor, and Sarah made some untouchable serves raising the score and inching closer to the Asheville Trailblazers. Helping out to bring the score even closer were the passing and setting moves of Erin, Kirsten, and Emily. Katie did an awesome job of being in the right place when her teammate Hannah made a pass to tie the game 24-24. The match coming to the end with Asheville Trailblazers pulling through to win the match . This group of young ladies will find that the more they play together as a team they will be unstoppable. Ladies, it goes to show that encouragement from the bench will score many points not only in the game but in life as well.


Kirsten said...


Anonymous said...

I think we rock x100,000,000!!!