Panthers 2008 Volleyball Team

Panthers 2008 Volleyball Team
2008 Western Region 1st Place Team

Sep 11, 2008

Panthers vs Shining Light (Away)

Today the Panthers went to a whole new level of play. With the ball being played from side to side the Panthers came on strong against the Shining Light Knights. Taylor had some fantastic shots back over the net by using the praying hands technique. Taylor has made great strides in her volleyball career. Kirsten had a great save when the Panthers had a ball hit out of bounds. Kirsten was able to dive for the ball and hit over the net on the 3 rd hit for our side. Anna came in the game and had a perfect serve that the Knights could not defend against. Carey Anne and Meridith stepped up when called on to the court to serve up some great hits over the net. Katie, Sarah and Mikaela continue to dominate on the court showing there ability to play as a team. Again the most impressive thing about this team is the encoragement and cheering from the fellow teammates on the bench. This team has great things in store for them if they continue to be there for each other.

Sep 10, 2008

Panthers vs Forsyth (away)

The Panthers team were a little slow at the beginning of the match. But it did not take long for the Forsyth Hawks to realize this team is a force to be reckoned with. The Panthers team pulled together to create a big upset over the Forsyth Veteran Varsity team. The Panthers played together as a team, communicating to each other at critical times during the game. Katie and Sarah are an unstoppable team on the front line with Sarah setting the ball for Katie to make some fantastic shots. Emily and Erin came into the game and had some incredible serves that help ease the score up past the Forsyth Team. Anna and Carey Anna, and Meridith join the game and covered the middle area against some strong hits from the opposing team. Mikaela, Kirsten and Taylor were strong defenders of the back court against some strong hits that each of these young ladies were able to recover and keep the ball alive for us to return to the opposing team. While this team could not have made the strides with out the players on the Panthers bench encouraging them to push on and claim the victory that was rightfully theirs. Hats off to this team for pulling together and winning the game.

Sep 2, 2008

Greensboro Panthers vs Asheville Trailblazers

Greensboro Panthers showed heart during the first conference loss of the season. As the team seemed to be getting down the Panthers from the bench Taylor, Carey Anna, Meridith, and Anna cheered their team on to score five points. Both matches proved that the Greensboro Panthers when playing together as a team can pull off some incredible plays with the support and encouragement of the entire team. During the second match the team came alive at the end when Kelly, Taylor, and Sarah made some untouchable serves raising the score and inching closer to the Asheville Trailblazers. Helping out to bring the score even closer were the passing and setting moves of Erin, Kirsten, and Emily. Katie did an awesome job of being in the right place when her teammate Hannah made a pass to tie the game 24-24. The match coming to the end with Asheville Trailblazers pulling through to win the match . This group of young ladies will find that the more they play together as a team they will be unstoppable. Ladies, it goes to show that encouragement from the bench will score many points not only in the game but in life as well.

Aug 26, 2008

I think the Panthers rock too...and I think they played a GREAT game!!!!<3
PANTHERS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Greensboro Panthers vs Forsyth Hawks

Despite being a first year team the Panthers came on strong in the match against the Hawks who have been playing together for several years. Several times through out the match the Panthers rallied together to add points to the scoreboard. Sarah received a pass from Kirsten and was able to place a perfect hit that the Hawks team was unable to defend against adding yet another point to the Panthers. During a crucial time during the game when the score was close Kelly was able to place a perfect spike that the veteran Hawks team was not able to return. With points rising for both teams a moment of truth came. An official called a ball out and stated that the Panther player did not make contact with the ball. The player in question Hannah chose to show herself as a player that loves honesty and the game more than winning. Hannah told the official that she in fact did touch the ball. The officials reversed the call and rewarded the Hawks a point. It took great courage and integrity for this young lady to stand up for what she believes in during a time when High School sports is all about winning. I applaud this team for showing the respect and integrity of true winners. Winning at the game of life and not the sport.
The Panthers team was unable to overcome the Hawks defense. In its first loss of the season the Panthers can say that they are more determined now than ever to come on strong and stay strong this season. Best of luck to this fine group of young ladies.